As any good investor knows, if you are researching a stock to buy, you need to look at the investment from the opposite perspective. Is the stock a short?
As investors, we have to figure out the company’s vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
When I wanted to start my own firm around 6 years ago,
I was scared and uncertain about if I could do it and be successful.
When I told one friend, in my shaky voice, I was going to start my own firm,
(not that I expected anyone to jump up and down)
I heard the standard canned response most people say.
”You should totally start your own firm.”
When I told another friend, I was going to start my own firm,
her response was completely different.
She said, “I’m kind of jealous.”
My friend had a good career and had been working for the same Wall Street firm for +15 years.
What was it about her statement about being jealous that made me feel a bit more comfortable?
She was sharing with me a bit of her vulnerability.
Some women are competitive with each other while others can be very supportive towards each other.
Many women who work on Wall Street want to help other women out because there are so few of us who have been on the street working among so many men.
We, women, need to do the opposite of being competitive with each other, we need to
show our vulnerability as a way to support each other.
When we are doing something scary, we need to have support from other women, maybe by just sharing how we can relate or how we feel.
So, this March, if you want to make a difference for Women’s History Month, let’s quit being competitive with each other.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." — Dr. Seuss
I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs in my life like riding a roller coaster… if you are facing something financially scary please feel free to reach out to me, I can relate.
Your Friendly Wealth Engagement Guide,
Tiffany Kent
Wealth Engagement LLC
3715 Northside Pkwy NW
Building 100 - Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30327
Office: (404) 795 - 6124 / (917) 826 - 5955
Email: tiffany@wealthengagement.com
Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security.