I loved walking to work in NYC. I loved my job at a hedge fund.
We lived on 68th and 3rd and the office was on 48th and Madison.
On Park Ave, I would look at the Hemsley building and wonder whether I belonged.
Our apartment was a tiny 1 bed, 1 bathroom.
I was more than content.
One night at dinner, my fiance, who became my husband, and I talked about work.
- My bonuses were rising, exceeding my wildest dreams.
- While my husband was frustrated with his career.
- But I asked him anyway… “why don’t you want to be part of the rat race and make more money?”
He stormed off after dinner and went out with friends.
I went home and forgot my key, so I was locked out of our apt.
Making me feel like maybe I didn’t belong.
3 kids later, living in Houston, my husband had his dream job.
- My husband’s career was taking off.
- I felt frustrated with my job.
- So it was his turn to take a shot.
“Why can't you be like so and so and make more money?”
Social comparison is one of the quickest ways to feel bad about yourself.
I was pissed off.
That hurt, but he said, "You are a Harvard MBA; go figure it out!"
Life can feel like we are a commodity chasing the dream but not ever feeling like we are reaching it.
The problem with living in the rat race is we don’t know how to uncover our why and dream of what we want.
Instead, we bury our dream and hide it like a piece of cheese.
At the same time, a friend Morgan Gist MacDonald who has a book publishing company, told me to free write.
"Don’t edit, don’t go back, just see what flows…"
The most amazing thing happened 7 years ago.
I discovered patterns and connections that I had buried deep in my subconscious.
I had forgotten I helped my mom balance her checkbook.
- Simple, but it inspired me.
- Maybe this is my purpose.
- Maybe this is a way to get off this track in the rat race.
- Maybe I should become a financial advisor and serve women.
Our why is what makes us unique.
It is our superpower.
It’s the one thing we should focus on every day.
7 years after this horrible night, I own my own investment management and financial advisory firm. The road here was hard but I love that I did the work and now I am more than content with my work, my life and my family.
We all want to hit the mark and find our dream job ... Just don't keep it hidden!
Your Friendly Wealth Engagement Guide,
Tiffany Kent, Tiffany@wealthengagement.com
Empowering women to take control of their future!
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