"Honey, you don't understand how things work down here."
These words came from a dear friend after I had spent a year living and working in Houston.
Coming from the fast-paced, eat-what-you-kill world of New York City,
I had built walls that shielded me from understanding business is built on relationships.
But everything changed when I learned the South is different.
Just like the #WSJ article “Sorry, Harvard, Everyone wants to Go to College in the South now." By Douglas Belkin and Andrea Fuller. Go Georgia Tech!
When I started my business, Wealth Engagement, 4 years ago
I learned to appreciate relationships and started to write on #LinkedIn.
My journey creating content started with testing content out here, following others
Justin Welsh, joining 💥Terri Teague ‘s writing group, and
following other thought leaders Jason Feifer on Linkedin and learning good content adds value.
It was hard and scary at first, but shockingly, over time, the investment paid off.
I found my unique voice.
Encouragement from this community made the tough days better.
Now I want my daughter to follow the same path as I did.
And find her unique voice.
For now she sings the National Anthem at The Westminster Schools football games.
It will be a long hard journey for her
- to find her unique voice, find her audience and share her love for music.
Her platform will be different from mine, but the journey will be the same.
And thank goodness the South and strong relationships!!
My dear old friend Kappy deButts connected me with another stage mom Katie Nalley,
and her son Slater!
Caroline and he just had a great practice session together!!
Have you taken the time to develop your voice? Invest in relationships?
With gratitude, thank you for reading!
Tiffany Kent
Your Friendly Wealth Engagement Guide
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